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Design studio focusing on web development

Aarland* ['year· country] subst.
Iphone og airpods liggende på orange overflade
We are a well-established design studio with roots going back to 2018. Our focus is on creating original designs that stem from thorough conversations about the needs and desires of the customer. By uniting our deep understanding of the industry with innovative approaches, we manage to create designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional.

Our team

Thomas Bendorff

Stifter & Digital Designer

Joachim Fauerskov

Web developer & Digital Designer

Anne Jensen

Digital Designer

What we specialize in

Branding & Design

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We specialize in branding & designing for all types of businesses

Today's digital landscape requires a beautiful and manageable website for every business enterprise. A website will often act as the face of the company outwardly, because this is the first place potential customers orient themselves in the various offers and services. For this reason, it is essential to have a website that visually manages to capture the customer's interest and at the same time enables the customer to easily and quickly meet the need for information.

Therefore, we offer help to create a strong visual foundation, which can not only be used in the design of the website but can also be continued in any other graphic material that you may otherwise need, such as business cards, brochures, posters or videos.

Website in Webflow

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Although many people think that the different CMS systems can do much the same thing, in fact, what system is used to build the site is absolutely crucial for the final expression of your website. At Aarland, we have experience working in a wide range of CMS systems but have chosen to specialise in Webflow in particular. Webflow is a newer system that stands out from other pieces of software by opening up a number of unique graphical possibilities. Creativity, quality and design are key words for Aarland's work, and we believe these keywords are back at Webflow. That is why we have chosen to work mainly in Webflow.

You should choose to invest in a Webflow website if

You want a graphically beautiful website that captures the interest of your customers at first sight.

You want to give your customers an optimal user experience as they navigate around your site.

You want to challenge classic website building — for example, by playing with unique and exclusive interactions and animations.

Shop in Shopify/ Webflow

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In addition to Webflow, we at Aarland also work with Shopify. Unlike so many other online store CMSs, an online store in Shopify just works. The big advantage for us and you is that Shopify integrates easily with Webflow.

Through the third-party ShopyFlow system, we have the ability to create a connection between Shopify and Webflow, giving us the design freedom from Webflow, while maintaining an easy maintenance of the web store through Shopify.

With this method, the integrations to Shopify are preserved, providing more options in terms of delivery and the purchase process.

A collaboration with us

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We believe that good cooperation leads to the best results

If you are interested in ordering your new website at Aarland, you will probably want to know more about how the cooperation will take place in practical terms. At Aarland, we have made a conscious choice to sell our website solutions as one complete package. We believe that total solutions, rather than subscription solutions, provide the customer with greater peace of mind, because that way it is clear what service to expect for the amount paid. At Aarland, new collaborations always start with the fact that we present a number of different, more or less comprehensive, offers that the customer can then choose from.

We don't tie you to long subscription agreements. We offer transparent pricing for a total package solution, so that you as a customer can enter into a cooperation with clear expectations and clear guidelines.

If you want a long-term partnership that extends beyond the initial design and implementation phase, this is obviously also an option. We also offer continuous maintenance of the website, the performance of other graphic tasks and the creation of webshops. This is typically done through clipping card solutions.

Who we are

Aarland focuses on the entire graphic process. From idea generation to implementation of design and layout. We are down-to-earth individuals who share our process openly, act quickly and always strive to deliver solutions that make a real difference.

Vi er jordnære personer, der deler vores proces åbent, handler hurtigt og altid stræber efter at levere løsninger, der gør en reel forskel.

Det siger vores kunder

Joachim and Thomas and the whole team of Aarland are a pleasure to work with. They did a great job creating our website while always being helpful and fun. Highly recommend if you're looking for enthusiastic experts in web design!
Absolut fantastisk samarbejde! Vi har over et par måneder haft Aarland til at udviklet en ny hjemmeside til VE2. Det har været en inspirerende, konstruktiv og proffesionel proces som gør at vi effektivt er kommet frem til en ny hjemmeside der både funktionelt og æstetisk passer helt perfekt til vores virksomhed. Vores aller bedste anbefalinger til Joachim og Thomas
Aarland stod for udarbejdelse af logo, brandidentitet, webshopdesign og -opbygning for . Vi havde mange krav og teamet hos Aarland var meget fleksible og ikke mindst tålmodige, da vi pga forsinkelser i vores produktionsled, først havde content klar 6 måneder senere end beregnet. Alt blev udført som oprindeligt aftalt, og uden ændringer i pris. Gav gerne 6 stjerner
Takket være Aarland's eksklusive løsninger har jeg fået den hjemmeside, som jeg drømte om! De har været med lige fra starten, og været så jordnære og forstående overfor alle mine ideer og handlet hurtigt på dem. Det betyder, at jeg har stået med konkrete forslag, som jeg har kunne forholde mig til. Jeg har virkelig nydt processen og at arbejde sammen med et så kreativt og kompetent team, hvor intet har været overladt til tilfældighederne og hvor alt har været muligt.
Hos Unik har vi benytte Aarland til at bygge og hoste vores hjemmeside. Efter 2 års søgende på de rigtige samarbejdspartnere på bygning af vores hjemmeside havde Aarland forståelse for vores ønsker og behov. Vi blev mødt af to imødekommende fyre som fra start vægtede kommunikation højt og havde forståelse for hvad vi ønskede.Resultatet taler for sig selv og vi er bestemt tilfreds med den høje kvalitet samt den hurtige levering af hjemmesiden. Vi bruger stadig i dag Aarland til at hoste vores side og hjælpe med eventuelt små rettelser og tilføjelser.

Our Approach

At Aarland we have experience working in several different CMS systems and in particular Webflow and Wordpress. Thus, we have the best conditions to be able to design exactly the website or webshop that our customers dream of.
Translation of websites
Multilingual websites
Advanced Forms
More than just a standard form
We integrate with Vimeo & YouTube
3D graphics & animations
3D animations to stand out
Payment solutions
Stripe handles most payment methods
3D Animations
Animations that differentiate
API & Automation
Interaction between Webflow and other systems
Animations in Javascript
Special animations and interactions
Data storage
CookieBot for managing cookies
Webflow functionalities
Filtering, animations, etc.
We make animations in After Effects
Analytical tool
Visitor Tracking
Rental sales platform
Rent out your inventory with Booqable

Brand identity

Brand identity helps to form the feeling around your company, which is why it is essential that the needs of your target group are taken into account. If you want a new logo, new fonts, other colors or just a boost in your visual expression, we are ready to implement for you.

Digital design

At Aarland, our team is ready with inspiration and suggestions that our customers can relate to and choose from. Nevertheless, we know from experience that the customer's knowledge of their own business is an invaluable factor when it comes to setting a direction for website design.

Web Development

Although many people think that the different CMS systems can do much the same thing, in fact, what system is used to build the site is absolutely crucial for the final expression of your website. At Aarland, we have experience working in a wide range of CMS systems but have chosen to specialise in Webflow in particular.